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Published 01/25/24
Hello, dear reader. The new year is upon us and there will be some changes around here, decidedly for the better.
One of my resolutions is to consume less and create (i.e. write) more. If all goes according to plan, you should see more output on this site on a wide variety of subjects, with a greater degree of honesty. Not that I have been dishonest with you in the past, but, you know. More so. No holds barred (within reason). Also, hopefully putting this in writing will bring it to fruition. We shall see.
Another thing, I am getting rid of the Hardware I use and Software I use sections from the banner. For one, those pages are woefully out of date and have been for some time. The content of those sections changes far too frequently for me to keep up to date with. Secondly, nobody cares and nobody should. No value can be gained by me listing what remote desktop software or model of smartphone I currently use and it only served as a vehicle for me to flaunt my “superior taste” (which I do have, by the way). These sections should have gone when I removed my video game profiles from the front page over a year ago. Consumption is not interesting or important, products are not interesting or important. Ideas and people are. These sections will be replaced with a Further reading section where I archive webpages and recommend books I have read. This should be done by the time you’re reading this. The formatting is still work in progress and it will be rather bare initially but I have to start somewhere! (For posterity, the old sections are still accessible here and here.)
Lastly, I am considering deleting my YouTube channel (and Rumble/Odysee channels by extension). Video is a difficult medium for me and I don’t think I have ever uploaded a single video I was proud of in the history of that channel. I’m pretty good at photography and videography but I’m horrid on camera, funny that! I have deliberated on this for some time as YouTube still serves as a potential avenue by which to draw potential readers to this site. Then again, I’m not sure if I even want the type of people who might find me through YouTube to engage with my writings on here at all. Perhaps I will just delete everything I uploaded and keep the channel empty until I find something meaningful to do with it. I have many ideas, but it remains to be decided. This has never been about money or numbers, “getting big” has never been the priority and almost certainly would compromise my mission here. Getting my ideas out into the world is the only thing I care about, whether one person or a million people see it really makes no difference to me.
As usual, I’m working on a million things at once but there should hopefully be one article (maybe more) published by the end of the week. I will continue to work on formatting and readability to improve the user experience across the site as well.
Made with love by gray
Have questions? Comments? Suggestions for my website? Contact me at gdp770@proton.me